Added on March 02, 2021: Successful Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) for a 12 years old tuxedo cat with stomatitis, resulting in recovery.

"Han-Ji" (the name means “sweet potato”) is currently the oldest and most physically compromised case of feline stomatitis to undergo Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) at our hospital.

At 11 years old, he had all his teeth extracted before coming to our hospital, yet his stomatitis persisted with visibly inflamed and swollen gingiva and oral mucosa. Due to pain, his appetite was affected, and his white blood cell count was double the normal range.

Referred by another hospital, the owner, after an explanation by  Dr. Chung-Wei Chen, opted for MGRS treatment. During the process, persistently elevated white blood cell counts led to the discovery that "Han-Ji" was harboring blood parasites and had a severe allergy to fish products—ironically, one of the few foods he was willing to eat. He is quite a stubborn old gentleman.

As of March 2, 2021, the 12-year-old "Han-Ji" has fully recovered from stomatitis, with a weight of 3.85 kilograms. The MGRS treatment has concluded, and all antibiotics and analgesics have been discontinued. He will now undergo treatment for blood parasites and a follow-up on white blood cell count, with continuous oral monitoring at our hospital.

We express our gratitude to the owner for their complete trust and support in Dr. Chen. Healing "Han-Ji" is the best encouragement for us!

We urge everyone to help spread awareness of new concepts in animal dentistry:
▲Dentistry is a surgery; surgery is the primary treatment method in dentistry. Dental and oral diseases must rely on surgery and dental instruments to address the root cause, with medication serving as a supplementary measure.

▲Tooth extraction should not be done arbitrarily; teeth have a function of supporting the oral cavity, not just for chewing.

▲We hope to have more cats with stomatitis participate in our hospital's "Clinical Treatment Research Project for Stomatitis Cats" (

Dr. Chung-Wei Chen, the director of our hospital, has successfully treated feline cases using the innovative "Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS)”, a combination of human and veterinary dentistry techniques:
※Another case of stomatitis in an orange tabby cat cured with Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) on February 3, 2021
※[Case Follow-up] An 11-month follow-up on a tabby male cat who underwent MGRS treatment after having partial mouth extraction, with no recurrence of stomatitis
※Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) cures stomatitis in a white and tabby female cat
※[No Extraction] A successful case of stomatitis treatment with MGRS in a tuxedo cat
※An orange tabby cat with swollen gingival and oral mucosa after full mouth extraction, healed after MGRS treatment

HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital
Phone: +886-4-2472-8828
Official Website:
Hospital Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00~20:00 (by appointment only), 12:00 to the end of all appointments on Saturday, Closed on Sunday

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