預約專線 04-2472-8828
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  • 牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)治療貓狗口炎個案


This patient is a 10-year-old male mixed cat, a feline calicivirus carrier, and the body weight before treatment was 8.2 kg (18.1 lbs.).

March 02, 2019

The owner had tried many medical treatments, and he has also undergone partial-mouth extraction (PME) surgery (there is no residual root after dental X-ray examination) in other hospital to treat the patient’s feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS), but the effects were poor, the inflamed gingiva and alveolar mucosa continued to be red and swollen, the inflammatory response repeatedly broke out, the pain did not improve, and the appetite continued to decrease.
Dr. Chung-Wei Chen performed the original Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) for the patient: removing the inflamed gingiva and alveolar mucosa, and allowing normal tissue to grow again.
October 12, 2019
After the MGRS treatment was over and stop giving antibiotics and analgesic drug, the redness and swelling of the patient’s oral soft tissue had almost completely disappeared, his weight continued to rise to 9 kg (19.8 lbs), the fur became more shiny, vitality became better, and began to bully other cats in the house.
April 03, 2020
Six months after the end of the treatment (no antibiotics and analgesic drug), the owner brought the cat from Taipei to our hospital for follow-up. The gingiva and alveolar mucosa are good and the body weight has risen to 10 kg (22 lbs.) (as shown in the figure, the patient can put two orange on the back).
September 20, 2020
After 11 months of follow-up after the end of the treatment (no antibiotics and analgesic drug), the gingiva of the patient maintained good, no swelling and salivation, and the patient had a good appetite and maintained a body weight of 10 kg (22 lbs.).

The new concept of veterinary dentistry:
※ Dentistry is surgery.
※ Save the teeth as much as possible, tooth extraction is the last choice.
※ Cats who have undergone Gingival Mucosal Replacement Surgery (MGRS)
should pay more attention to the oral hygiene.

卡里西病毒(Feline Calicivirus)帶原的10歲齡虎斑公貓,療程前體重約8.2公斤。


飼主為了治療牠的貓慢性齒齦口炎(FCGS)已嘗試過許多內科治療皆效果不彰,因為發炎處仍持續紅腫,炎症反應反覆發作,於他院接受半口拔牙(經牙科X光檢查後並無殘根)之後,虎斑貓的牙齦(gingiva)與齒槽黏膜(alveolar mucosa)仍然持續紅腫、疼痛無改善,食慾持續減退。

經陳重威院長為虎斑公貓施行了本院獨創牙齦黏膜置換手術(Mucogingival Replacement Surgery,簡稱MGRS)去除發炎的牙齦,讓健康的牙齦重新生長。





MGRS療程結束(包含停止服用止痛及抗生素)後11個月追蹤虎斑公貓MGRS後的牙齦維持良好不再紅腫不再流涎不止貓咪食欲良好, 體重維持在10公斤。



※ 經過牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)的貓咪更要注意牙齒口腔清潔,飼主請一定要每天幫忙刷牙 




哈囉彼得動物醫院 HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital|(04)2472-8828
院長 陳重威獸醫師 |Dr. Richard Chen

醫院官方網站Website: www.hellopeter.com.tw

No. 29, Sec. 2, Dongxing Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan


  #動物牙科 #動物口腔外科 #MGRS #牙齦黏膜置換手術 #貓口炎 #台中動物醫院 #牙科獸醫推薦 #寵物牙科推薦 #HelloPeterVeterinaryHospital #牙周病 #台中獸醫院 #陳重威獸醫師