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Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity
Why do dogs and cats need dental posts in endodontics?

Why do dogs and cats need dental posts in endodontics?

By Dr. Chung-Wei Chen, Director of HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital
When many dogs and cats have fractured teeth, if I find that too many teeth are missing during outpatient visits, I will recommend installing dental posts (posts) in the pulp before fitting the dental crown.
Why is it necessary to install dental posts in endodontics for dogs and cats? Can't dental crowns be directly fitted?

Dental posts (Posts) are crucial in endodontic treatment in dentistry, as they can:
1.Make the treated teeth stronger and less prone to re-fracture.

2.Assist in reshaping the teeth.

(Dogs and cats with periodontal disease need to be assessed based on their periodontal condition at the time and adjust the treatment accordingly.)
As shown in the picture, in the case of our hospital's patient, a Sheltie, the fractured end of the tooth is very close to the root. Without the installation of dental posts, the tooth cannot be reshaped. Directly fitting a dental crown without dental posts cannot provide enough surface area for the crown (commonly known as a gold tooth, braces, ceramic braces, zirconia braces, etc.). Even after animals undergo endodontics, the probability of the teeth re-fracturing is still high.
Because the condition of each dog and cat's teeth is different, whether dental posts are needed must be carefully examined and assessed before a decision can be made.
The dental crowns and dental posts in our hospital are both 3D printed (materials include metal, zirconia, all-ceramic crowns, etc.), and they can be formed in one piece, increasing the durability of the crowns.

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