【The research project is open for applications until August 31, 2021.】Cats with chronic gingival stomatitis (FCGS)

【The research project is open for applications until August 31, 2021.】Cats with chronic gingival stomatitis (FCGS)

< Solicit volunteers> Cats with chronic gingival stomatitis (FCGS)

Main purpose: To improve the therapeutic effect of mucogingival replacement surgery (MGRS), shorten the time of cat oral treatment, establish a better animal oral medical standard and data database in the future, and improve the oral health of more companion animals. We enthusiastically recruit owners with feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) cat at home to join this research project.
This project cooperates with Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU).

How to register: Please make an appointment with our hospital for dental outpatient registration first. You can bring your cat’s medical examination report within one month. Dr. Chung-Wei Chen will tell you the relevant details of this project during the consulting hour.

Remarks: 1. Owners who participate in this project must follow all medical and feeding instructions, and implement them during the trial period. 2. Cats participating in this project will have three free “full mouth dental examination (including full mouth dental X-ray and periodontal examination)”, which will be used within two years of validity. Excluding preoperative physical examination, blood test, chest and abdomen X-ray, etc.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 4: (No tooth extraction)

HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital(04)2472-8828
Hospital Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00~20:00 (by appointment only), 12:00 to the end of all appointments on Saturday, Closed on Sunday


#動物牙科推薦 #動物口腔外科 #MGRS #牙齦黏膜置換手術 #貓口炎 #台中獸醫院 #寵物牙科推薦 #陳重威獸醫師 #動物植牙 #高雄醫學大學

#動物牙科推薦 #動物口腔外科 #MGRS #牙齦黏膜置換手術 #貓口炎 #台中獸醫院 #寵物牙科推薦 #陳重威獸醫師 #動物植牙 #高雄醫學大學