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Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity
The function of saliva.
The function of saliva
By Dr. Chung-Wei Chen, Director of HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital


The functions of saliva include:

1.Lubrication and Moisturizing:Provides mucosal lubrication and moisturizing, protects the oral mucosa from external stimuli, and assists in smooth chewing and swallowing.
2.Purification:Helps with swallowing, rinses bacteria or food residues, prevents caries or periodontitis, and contains lysozyme to dissolve bacteria.
3.Antibacterial:Controls flora in the oral cavity.
4.Aggregation:Aggregates bacteria to facilitate purification.
5.Digestion:Contains amylase to break down starch, protein, and other food residues on the tooth surface.
6.Taste:Taste buds react to food dissolved in saliva, creating the sensation of taste.
7.Excretion:Saliva excreted in the mouth is reabsorbed in the intestines.
8.Water Balance Regulation:Dry conditions in the oral cavity signal the lower part of the brain, suppressing urine production, and promoting drinking.
9.Buffering:Balances the pH of the oral cavity (human pH 6.5-6.9, dog pH 8.5-8.65, cat pH 8.5) to maintain it close to normal values for each species.
10.Inorganic Salt Accumulation:Promotes tooth calcification, also known as remineralization of teeth.
Sublingual glands contribute to 70% of saliva secretion, so animals with higher sublingual gland saliva production are more prone to forming dental calculus, especially on the mandibular lingual side. Therefore, proper cleaning is crucial.
Hence, I do not advocate for the casual extraction of teeth in dogs and cats. Losing teeth can disrupt the above functions, as the tongue lacks teeth to block it, making it more likely to protrude from the mouth. This causes saliva to be unable to stay in the mouth, leading to excessive dryness, and making dogs and cats more susceptible to illness.

Note: Formation of Dental Calculus: Mineral salts in saliva (mainly in the form of calcium phosphate, accounting for about 75%) combine with bacteria and food residues, depositing on the dental crown and cervix, forming dental calculus.

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