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Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity
Overgrown rabbit teeth.
【Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity】– Overgrown Rabbit Teeth Q: Why do rabbits' teeth keep growing?
Dr. Chen:
Unlike the closed roots of dogs and cats, rabbits have open roots. The germinal center in the root area allows the teeth to keep growing. Overgrown teeth can cause the opposite teeth to bear excessive pressure, leading to misalignment. Prolonged pressure from rabbit teeth can affect areas such as the dental socket, eye socket, and nasal tear duct, causing abscesses. Severe cases can impact vision, diminish the rabbit's appetite, and, ultimately, affect its life. Therefore, rabbits require proper chewing to ensure teeth do not become overgrown.

Q: My rabbit has overly long teeth. Should they be trimmed or ground down?
Dr. Chen:
From a dental perspective, it is recommended to grind down rabbit teeth rather than trim them. When trimming, the teeth and periodontal tissues undergo significant force, risking damage to the periodontal ligament (PDL). Long-term issues may include loose teeth or periodontal disease. Improper force application can also result in rabbit teeth fractures.

Q:Is anesthesia necessary for rabbit dental treatment?
Dr. Chen:
Yes, rabbits are easily stressed animals. Without anesthesia during dental treatment, fragile rabbits might experience shock due to excessive stress. Additionally, rabbits have a very small mouth opening, known as a "cherry mouth." Without anesthesia, the limited visibility in the operating area may lead to suboptimal treatment results.

Q:How can I care for my rabbit's teeth at home?
Dr. Chen:
Rabbits should not rely solely on pellets for food. They must consume a substantial amount of hay because the long fibers in hay force rabbits to use their molars during chewing. Chewing action provides horizontal grinding, keeping the occlusal surface of the teeth at a stable height. This prevents overgrown teeth and reduces the risk of subsequent issues like decreased appetite, dental abscesses, and eye/nose infections.


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