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  • Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) Healing Cases of Stomatitis
Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) Healing Cases of Stomatitis
The hospital's innovative Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) is used to treat feline stomatitis.

This is a case treated at our hospital: an 11-year-old spayed female mixed-breed orange tabby cat named "Circle", who has long suffered from feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS). Despite trying various treatments, including steroids, interferon, and full mouth extraction, none proved effective.
Circle exhibited typical FCGS symptoms: swollen gingiva and oral mucosa, impacted appetite, weight loss, and excessive drooling.。
She came to our hospital and underwent the unique six-month "Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS)" designed by Director, Dr. Chung-Wei Chen. Throughout the treatment, no steroids, immunosuppressants, or any oral care products were used. Circle only received antibiotics and analgesics. After the first week of the initial MGRS procedure, she had a follow-up visit, and her liver and kidney indices were consistently monitored during the treatment. The owner was very cooperative and punctual for follow-up appointments.
Four months ago, the swelling in Circle's gingiva and oral mucosa completely subsided. After evaluation, antibiotics and analgesics were discontinued. In the recent follow-up visit last week, the cat's gingiva and oral mucosa remained in excellent condition, and she weighed 5.05 kg, reaching a new peak!

As of the update on March 12, 2020, Circle's latest weight is 5.15 kg.
Teeth play a crucial role in supporting facial structures.
Tooth extraction is the last resort.


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