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Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity
The Function of Serial Extraction in Orthodontics (Veterinary Dentistry)

Serial Extraction, a component of orthodontic, was initially introduced by Dr. Kjellgren in 1929. When the alveolar bone cannot provide sufficient space for the alignment of teeth and maxillary expansion treatment proves ineffective, I assess and determine in advance the extraction of specific deciduous or permanent teeth at predetermined locations in animals. This aims to utilize the time difference in tooth eruption, allowing for the orderly emergence and alignment of teeth into the desired positions.

Serial extraction in animals may result in the inability to preserve a complete number of teeth, but it can offer enhanced treatment stability. This helps avoid potential sequelae and complications such as periodontal disease, impaired chewing function, increased susceptibility to tooth fractures from external forces, oral mucosal injuries, and temporomandibular joint disorders caused by malocclusion. Additionally, when animals require concurrent brackets or other orthodontic technologies for alignment correction, serial extraction can significantly shorten the treatment duration.

However, before proceeding with serial extraction, it is crucial for the veterinarian to assess the necessity and carefully consider the timing and location of extractions. Failure to do so may lead to a lack of subsequent tooth eruption after extraction.

Case studies from our hospital:

On July 5, 2019 a 10-month-old Maltese presented with poor appetite due to retained deciduous tooth 807, preventing the proper eruption of permanent tooth 408. The dog was brought to our hospital for treatment. After dental X-rays were taken, it was discovered that tooth 310 had gingiva impaction caused by a toy spring. Under the care of Dr. Chung-Wei Chen (Dr. Richard Chen), serial extraction was performed to remove the retained deciduous tooth and address the impaction from the spring. Following the procedure, the dog's appetite quickly returned to normal.

On April 24, 2020during a follow-up appointment, it was observed that the permanent tooth 408 of the Maltese has successfully erupted to the desired position, exhibiting normal occlusion. Additionally, there was no swelling or infection in the gingiva area around tooth 310.


【No Extraction】The treatment process of our innovative Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) for a tuxedo male cat is available at the following link:


For more articles by Dr. Chung-Wei Chen (Dr. Richard Chen) on veterinary dentistry, you can visit the “Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity” column on our official website, where new dental articles will be added irregularly:


HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital

Phone: +886-4-2472-8828

Official Website: www.hellopeter.com.tw

Address: No. 29, Sec. 2, Dongxing Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan

Hospital Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00~20:00 (by appointment only), 12:00 to the end of all appointments on Saturday, Closed on Sunday

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