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Dental Implants for Dogs & Cats
The mixed-breed female dog in our hospital is undergoing dental implant treatment for the right mandibular canine (404). The previously placed implant has completed osseointegration and is now in the second stage (Stage 2), during which a healing abutment is placed to shape the gingiva in preparatio

The mixed-breed female dog in our hospital is undergoing dental implant treatment for the right mandibular canine (404). The previously placed implant has completed osseointegration and is now in the second stage (Stage 2), during which a healing abutment is placed to shape the gingiva in preparation for a good fit with the future dental implant crown.

#陳重威獸醫師 #DrChungWeiChen #DrRichardChen #狗植牙 #狗貓植牙 #動物植牙 #寵物植牙 #寵物植牙專家 #植牙獸醫推薦 #骨整合 #osseointegration   #小動物植牙 #dentalimplantsinsmallanimals #Dentalimplantsfordogsandcats #狗貓植牙專家 #阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒 #台中動物醫院 #台中獸醫院 #台中動物醫院推薦 #動物牙科推薦 #寵物牙科推薦 #牙科獸醫推薦 #狗植牙醫生推薦 #狗植牙獸醫推薦

#德國蔡司 #牙科顯微鏡 #ZEISS #蔡司牙科顯微鏡 #DentalSurgeryMicroscope