Dr. Chung-Wei Chen is currently engaged in the surgical procedure of dental implantation for a medium-sized dog, presently in the stage 1, awaiting the process of osseointegration.

Dr. Chung-Wei Chen is currently engaged in the surgical procedure of dental implantation for a medium-sized dog, presently in the stage 1, awaiting the process of osseointegration.
We will proceed to the next stage in four and a half months.

For dogs and cats exhibiting dental deficiencies or suboptimal oral conditions, the loss of saliva may lead to an undue desiccation of the oral cavity, potentially precipitating the emergence of oral lesions. These oral lesions serve as potential conduits for oral microbiota to infiltrate the systemic circulatory system, thus precipitating ailments in other bodily organs, such as cardiovascular maladies, renal disorders, diabetes, and cognitive impairment.

Therefore, maintaining the dental health of dogs and cats is crucial, and efforts should be made to avoid extracting their natural teeth, as tooth function needs to be reestablished after tooth loss.

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