National Education Radio interviews Dr. Chung-Wei Chen, the director of our hospital, on “Preventive Measures Owners Can Take at Home for COVID-19”.

Director Chung-Wei Chen was invited by host Chang Gang from the National Education Radio Taichung Program Center to join the handsome host and listeners in the segment “Living Well Together”. In this segment, we discuss “Preventive Measures Owners Can Take at Home for COVID-19”. You can listen to the program through the following link:

Normal routines and maintaining good health for both humans and animals are essential. Avoid staying up late and maintain a strong immune system.

Do not rely on unverified remedies found online. Both humans and animals should avoid delaying medical attention.

If a person returning to the country experiences fever or respiratory symptoms within 14 days, please call the 1922 hotline to report to the relevant authorities.

Frequent handwashing with soap, minimizing touching of the face, and washing animals' paws after outdoor activities are recommended. Use a blow dryer to ensure thorough drying and prevent mold growth.

Humans and animals should avoid crowded and poorly ventilated public places. Please wear masks when going out and refrain from hoarding supplies to ensure availability for those in need.

Avoid consuming raw meat, raw eggs, or any raw or undercooked animal products. Never feed your animals any raw or undercooked food.

Taiwan is one of the countries with strict epidemic prevention measures globally. During the pandemic, please avoid unnecessary international travel.


#哈囉彼得動物醫院 #陳重威獸醫師 #阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒 #狗貓兔牙科 #狗貓兔口腔外科 #動物口腔外科 #高雄醫學大學 #口腔衛生學 #牙科X光 #洗牙 #口鼻廔管 #植牙 #GTR #動物植牙 #GBR #拔牙 #口水
#MucogingivalReplacementSurgery #MGRS #牙齦黏膜置換手術 #Gingivectomy #口炎 #貓口炎 #動物牙科 #小動物牙科 #獸醫牙科 #寵物牙科 #台中動物醫院 #台中獸醫 #獸醫 #動物口腔外科 #動物齒科 #牙科 #動物醫院 #南屯 #台灣 #臺灣 #Taiwan #veterinarin #vet #VeterinaryDentistry #hellopeter #HelloPeterVeterinaryHospital
#冠狀病毒 #2019新型冠狀病毒 #武漢肺炎 #COVID19 #衛生福利部 #疾病管制署 #中央指揮中心 #口罩 #洗手