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Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity
My time in Philadelphia (Philly): The Mütter Museum.
In 2016, during my time at PennVet, my weekdays were spent entirely at the Ryan Veterinary Hospital's dental department. Only on holidays did I have the opportunity to visit museums and art galleries in Philadelphia.

The Mütter Museum, belonging to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (a private medical society established by 24 Philadelphia physicians in 1787), is a medical museum. Its collection mainly comprises donations from alumni and research conducted by the medical school over the years. The highlight of the museum is Albert Einstein's sliced brain (viewable under an optical microscope) and the Wax Woman (a wax-preserved female mummy). The museum also houses numerous medical specimens, including conjoined twins, dwarfs, and a giant colon. Photography is strictly prohibited throughout the museum.

During my visit, there happened to be a special exhibit on skulls, showcasing variations and changes caused by different causes of death. I entered with a student ticket, but my primary focus was on the teeth of each skull.

對For friends with a keen interest in medicine and science, if you get the chance to visit Philadelphia in the United States, make sure to check out the Mütter Museum—you can learn a great deal.

#19th-century dental and surgical instruments are no different from torture devices.

#Veterinary dentistry is essentially surgery.

MütterMuseum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

Mutter Museum of Medical Oddities


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