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Dr. Chen Talks About Teeth and Oral Cavity
Our hospital's innovative Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) for treating feline stomatitis, and hot dental laser.

Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is a disease that causes a great deal of concern among cat owners. Many cat owners have questions about our hospital's innovative Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS).

The concept of our MGRS is derived from the human dental procedure known as Gingivectomy.

Gingivectomy has long been considered one of the treatment options for various periodontal diseases, including Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS), juvenile gingivitis/periodontitis, and similar conditions in human dentistry such as pregnancy gingivitis/gingival enlargement and juvenile gingivitis/periodontitis.

Surgical equipment options include traditional surgical instruments, electrosurgery, lasers, etc. Due to limited literature and information, individuals may find this field unfamiliar.

While lasers are widely used in human dentistry, their application in veterinary dentistry is less common. Before delving into dental lasers, it's essential to understand the distinction between hot lasers and cold lasers:

Cold Laser (Low-Level Laser): Low power output with penetration depth of about 0.5 cm, longer treatment times, primarily used to promote wound healing, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. Currently, Class 3 and Class 4 lasers are commonly used in veterinary rehabilitation.

Hot Laser (High Power Laser): High power output (over 24 times that of cold lasers), penetration depth exceeding 4 cm, mainly used in dental and surgical procedures.

Dental lasers generally fall under hot lasers, with some models incorporating features similar to cold lasers (anti-inflammatory, tissue growth promotion), but their primary function is in surgical procedures:

⭕️Carbon Dioxide Laser (CO2 Laser): :The earliest developed dental laser, primarily used for soft tissue cutting and ablation, leaving burn surfaces in the surgical area, causing more significant damage to surrounding hard tissues (teeth, alveolar bone).

⭕️Nd:YAG Laser:Mainly applied in periodontal treatment, reducing bacterial activity and providing effective hemostasis.

⭕️Er:YAG Laser:Equipped with a water spray design, excels in hard tissue effects (teeth, alveolar bone), but is less effective in soft tissue cutting and hemostasis compared to CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers.

⭕️Er,Cr:YSGG Laser:Also known as the water laser, it utilizes water molecules for tissue cutting. Suitable for both oral soft and hard tissues, generating minimal vibration and heat damage during surgery.

⭕️Diode Laser:Mainly applied to soft tissues, providing excellent cutting, ablation, and hemostasis, with additional antibacterial effects. Low-power irradiation can promote tissue healing, and our dental surgery also uses this type.

Applications of dental lasers include:

Gingivitis and periodontal disease
Oral mucosal ulcers
Oral diseases caused by viral infections
Sterilization of periodontal pockets
Oral malignant tumors
Cosmetic gingival surgery
Dentin hypersensitivity
Teeth whitening(currently less applicable in veterinary dentistry)

While lasers are valuable adjuncts in dentistry, the standalone use of lasers in treating any dental disease is usually insufficient. Optimal results are achieved when lasers are combined with other therapeutic approaches.

Certainly, our MGRS requires a specific course and time commitment. It is crucial for owners to adhere to the treatment plan without interruption to achieve the best therapeutic outcome.

Veterinary dentistry is essentially surgery.


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