Case of an 11-Year-Old Cat from Taipei Metro Area Seeking Treatment for Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS) in Taichung

The name of this patient is "Baa", he is an 11-year-old male cat who made a special trip from Taipei to Taichung to find Dr. Chung-Wei Chen for treatment of stomatitis.
Before coming to our hospital, the patient had performed half full mouth extractions, tried countless medicines and remedies at the animal hospitals in Taipei to cure stomatitis, but the swelling of the oral mucosa was still severe, the throat was swollen, and he would constantly scratch his mouth due to pain.
The owners worry that if long-term administration of steroid injections (stomatitis needles) may cause side effects such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cataracts, Cushing’s disease, etc., they decided to let Baa undergo the "Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, (MGRS)” treatment, which is a unique treatment method created by Dr. Chung-Wei Chen for animals.
Although the patient did not participate in the research project of Dr. Chen and Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Dr. Chen still used the treatment methods in the research project for surgery, and the effect on the patient is remarkable. It only took nearly four months to heal the stomatitis that had plagued Baa for a long time.
 We will continue to follow up the oral condition of the patient. For many people, "there is no problem without teeth."; however, if the animal does not have teeth, the oral cavity cannot be well supported and closed, and it cannot retain enough saliva, which makes the oral cavity's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ability worse, poor oral health can also increase the risk of heart disease. Once again emphasized that tooth extraction cannot fundamentally solve the problem of stomatitis, it will only make the animal’s oral condition worse due to missing teeth.

【Services】( by appointment only: 04-24728828):Animal Dentistry|Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

【Hard Tissue】(All surgeries at our hospital are performed using German ZEISS dental microscopes)
★Minimally invasive extraction with piezosurgery
★Full-mouth comprehensive scaling, dental X-rays, root planing, periodontal examination, and polishing
★Microscopic endodontics ★Dental crowns and bridges produced with 3D printing
★Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) ★Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
★Dental restorations (fillings) ★Dental implants for dogs & cats
★Orthodontics for dogs & cats ★Rabbit dentistry (teeth trimming & orthodontics)
★Maxillofacial bone fractures (intermaxillary fixation and osteotomy)

【Soft Tissue】(All surgeries at our hospital are performed using German ZEISS dental microscopes)
★Innovative Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) for treating stomatitis in dogs and cats
★Periodontal disease treatment for dogs & cats ★Dental pulp therapy for dogs & cats
★Oronasal fistula treatment ★Odontogenic abscesses treatment for rabbits

HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital(04)2472-8828

Hospital Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00~20:00 (by appointment only), 12:00 to the end of all appointments on Saturday, Closed on Sunday


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#貓 #口炎 #口炎貓 #口炎貓口腔治療研究計畫 #台中動物醫院 #台中動物醫院推薦 #台中獸醫院
#口炎貓口腔治療研究計畫 #高雄醫學大學 #口衛系