(Without Tooth Extraction) Participating in the Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS) Research Project, Successfully Shortening MGRS Treatment and Sharing a Case of a Cat Cured of FCGS - July 19, 2021

This patient is a 7-year-old black male mixed cat named Dan-Dan. Stomatitis caused his poor appetite and spirit, severe bad breath, and the body weight has reduced from 8kg to 6.7kg. He has been treated in other hospitals before coming to our hospital, long-term use of a variety of medicines for control, but the effect is not good, the patient still has poor appetite due to pain.

2021.02.27 The patient's first mucogingival replacement surgery (MGRS) treatment.
Before the first MGRS treatment, severe swelling and ulcers in the gingiva and oral mucosa can be seen in maxillary and mandibular buccal, sublingual, and oropharyngeal side in the patient’s oral cavity. Among them, the two premolars (307, 407) on both sides of the mandibular had severe tooth absorption, the remaining teeth have fallen out on their own during the treatment.

2021.07.19 The MGRS course lasted for five months and then ended, a total of six treatments were performed. The gingiva and oral mucosa of the oral cavity have completely healed, no more redness or swelling, and the bad breath disappeared. The patient’s stomatitis has healed, he does not need to use any medicines to control stomatitis, and Dr. Chung-Wei Chen did not perform any tooth extraction during the MGRS treatment. The patient's body weight increased from 6.7kg to 7.9kg. According to the owner's reply, now Dan-Dan not only has good spirit and mobility, but also bullies other cats in the house. We will continue to follow up the patient.


【Soliciting Cats with Stomatitis】Join Dr. Chung-Wei Chen and the stomatitis feline oral treatment research project at Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU). The deadline is by the end of August 2021~
For details, please refer to:

【Services】(Phone: +886-4-2472-8828):Veterinary Dentistry & Oral Surgery

【Hard Tissue】
(All surgeries at our hospital are performed using German ZEISS dental microscopes)
★Minimally invasive extraction with piezosurgery
★Full-mouth comprehensive scaling, dental X-rays, root planing, periodontal examination, and polishing
★Microscopic endodontics
★Dental crowns and bridges produced with 3D printing
★Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR)
★Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
★Dental restorations (fillings)
★Dental implants for dogs & cats
★Orthodontics for dogs & cats
★Rabbit dentistry (teeth trimming & orthodontics)
★Maxillofacial bone fractures (intermaxillary fixation and osteotomy)

【Soft Tissue】
(All surgeries at our hospital are performed using German ZEISS dental microscopes)
★Innovative Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) for treating stomatitis in dogs and cats
★Periodontal disease treatment for dogs & cats
★Dental pulp therapy for dogs & cats
★Oronasal fistula treatment
★Oral tumor surgery
★Odontogenic abscesses treatment for rabbits

HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital(04)2472-8828
Hospital Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00~20:00 (by appointment only), 12:00 to the end of all appointments on Saturday, Closed on Sunday


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