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  • 牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)治療貓狗口炎個案
2023.05.06新增 未拔牙!以牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)治癒7歲口炎(FCGS)愛滋黑貓
2023.05.06新增 未拔牙!以牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)治癒7歲口炎(FCGS)愛滋黑貓

妹妹是一隻混種母黑貓,因為被家裡另一隻陳重威醫師治癒好的口炎貓(https://reurl.cc/V890dA)欺負咬傷,因為治好的口炎貓帶原貓愛滋(FIV),妹妹因此感染了貓愛滋病毒(FIV),飼主帶妹妹來本院接受陳重威醫師以牙齦黏膜置換手術 (Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, MGRS)治療貓慢性齒齦口炎Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS)時是6歲1個月,MGRS療程結束時7歲1個月。
  1. 牙齦及口腔黏膜紅腫,甚至潰瘍或增生,口腔所有軟組織,包含牙齦、兩頰舌頭兩側、舌頭下方、嘴角至咽喉部的口腔黏膜都會有紅腫潰瘍或增生。
  2. 貓咪會因為口腔疼痛會減少進食,甚至不願意進食,或是吃飯喝水會不斷甩頭、使用前腳撥動嘴巴。
  3. 口水因潰瘍多半都有異味,甚至帶有腐肉味。

陳重威獸醫師獨創的牙齦黏膜置換手術 (Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, MGRS)便是希望可以克服上述口炎治療的後遺症及困境,
想看更多本院以牙齦黏膜置換手術 (Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, MGRS) 治癒好的貓咪個案,請參考官網的【MGRS治療貓口炎個案】專區(www.hellopeter.com.tw/contents-4.html)或FB粉專專屬相簿(https://reurl.cc/jlAQAZ)

“Mei-Mei” is a mixed-breed female black cat. She was bitten and injured by another cat with feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) that had been cured by Dr. Chung-Wei Chen (Dr. Richard Chen) in her family (https://reurl.cc/V890dA). The cat that caused the injury carried the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), which resulted in Mei-Mei's infection with FIV. The owner brought her to our hospital to receive Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) performed by Dr. Chung-Wei Chen (Dr. Richard Chen) to treat her feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS). At the time of the MGRS treatment, the patient was 6 years and 1 month old, and after the MGRS treatment was completed, she was 7 years and 1 month old.
Due to FCGS, Mei-Mei suffered from redness, swelling, and inflammation of the gingiva and oral mucosa near the oropharynx, oral pain, and decreased appetite. Furthermore, due to the long-term bullying, she was very anxious, and the above factors could affect the treatment effect. Therefore, during the MGRS treatment, Dr. Chung-Wei Chen (Dr. Richard Chen) asked the owner to prepare a separate living space for her to avoid interference from other cats.
After one year of MGRS treatment, the redness and swelling caused by FCGS have completely disappeared, and her appetite has improved. Dr. Chung-Wei Chen (Dr. Richard Chen) did not extract any teeth from her and preserved all of her teeth, and the FCGS has been completely cured. She can now live a normal life without the need for injections or medication.
Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is one of the common oral diseases in cats. The main symptoms are:
  1. The gingiva and oral mucosa are red, swollen, ulcers or hyperplasia. All soft tissues in the mouth, including the gingiva and all parts of the oral mucosa (including buccal, lingual, sublingual and oropharynx, etc.), will have redness, ulceration or hyperplasia.
  2. Cats will lose their appetite or even refuse to eat because of mouth pain, or they will keep shaking their heads and scratching their mouths with their front feet when eating and drinking.
  3. The patient's saliva usually has a peculiar smell, even putrefactive odor, due to ulcers.
At present, the most common treatments are long-acting steroid injections or oral steroids, combined with antibiotics, and tooth extraction, etc., but the effect of individual treatment varies greatly, furthermore, tooth extraction will likely cause the cat's oral cavity to collapse and alveolar bone loss. They need lifelong medication and can't stop it.
Dr. Chung-Wei Chen's original Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) aims to solve the above-mentioned sequelae and difficulties in the treatment of stomatitis, and make cats with FCGS no longer need to take medicine for a long time after recovery, and return to the normal life they had before the illness.
If you want to see more cat patients cured by MGRS in our hospital, please refer to our official website (www.hellopeter.com.tw/contents-4. html) or Facebook fan page album (https://reurl.cc/jlAQAZ).

哈囉彼得動物醫院 |HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital
院長 陳重威獸醫師 |Dr. Richard Chen
台中市南屯區東興路二段29號|No. 29, Sec. 2, Dongxing Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan
醫院官網Website: www.hellopeter.com.tw
#陳重威獸醫師 #阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒 # #動物牙科推薦 #寵物牙科推薦 #牙齦黏膜置換手術 #mucogingivalreplacementsurgery #MGRS
# #貓口炎 #口炎貓 #狗口炎 #cat #dog 
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