預約專線 04-2472-8828



根據研究統計顯示,缺牙會導致該處的齒槽骨(alveolar bone)流失,這會影響到鄰牙的穩固度,而且會使骨頭變得較為脆弱容易骨折,為了防止這些情形發生,我們幫病患做了導引骨再生手術(guided bone regeneration, GBR),未來將評估動物植牙手術。
●導引骨再生手術(guided bone regeneration,
GBR)的治療重點是alveolar bone regeneration,主要使用骨粉(bone graft)及再生膜(membrane),普遍使用於植牙手術的前置療程,本院目前進行的動物植牙皆須視情況補骨
●導引組織再生手術(guided tissue regeneration,
GTR)的治療範圍則包含了所有的牙周軟硬組織,包括齒槽骨、牙齦(gingiva)、牙周韌帶(periodontal ligament, PDL)、牙骨質(cementum)等皆是,使用材料除了上述的骨粉及再生膜以外,還有膠原蛋白(collagen)填充物、游離牙齦移植(free gingiva graft, FGG)及結締組織移植(connective tissue graft, CTG)等,主要應用於嚴重牙周病治療,使自然牙周圍的牙周組織再生。
本院獨創的微創牙周治療(minimally invasive periodontal treatment, MIPT)用於輕微牙周病的狗貓,不會像GTR手術有大範圍的傷口,飼主術後照護上較容易。
  A 2.5-year-old female mixed-breed dog came to our hospital for guided bone regeneration (GBR) due to an accidental collision that caused a fracture of the left mandibular incisor (302).
  According to previous studies, missing teeth will lead to the loss of alveolar bone, which will affect the stability of adjacent teeth, weakens the bone and increases the risk of fractures. In order to prevent these situations, we performed guided bone regeneration (GBR) for the patient. In the future, we will evaluate the animal dental implant surgery for the patient.
The difference between GBR and GTR:
●Guided bone regeneration (GBR) focuses on alveolar bone regeneration, mainly using bone graft and membrane, which are commonly used in the pre-treatment of dental implant surgery. All dental implant patients in our hospital must be evaluated for bone regeneration.
●Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) treats all periodontal soft and hard tissues, including alveolar bone, gingiva, periodontal ligament (PDL), cementum, etc. The surgical materials include bone graft, membrane, collagen, free gingiva graft (FGG) and connective tissue graft (CTG), etc. GTR is mainly used in the treatment of severe periodontal disease, it can regenerate periodontal tissue around natural teeth.
  Our hospital's original minimally invasive periodontal treatment (MIPT) is used for dogs and cats with mild periodontal disease, it will have much smaller wounds than GTR surgery, and it is easier for owners to take care of it after treatment.
#GBR #GuidedBoneRegeneration #動物植牙 #AnimalDentalImplantSurgery
#GTR #GuidedTissueRegeneration #dog # #微創牙周治療 #MIPT #MinimallyInvasivePeriodontalTreatment

哈囉彼得動物醫院 |HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital
院長 陳重威獸醫師 |Dr. Richard Chen
台中市南屯區東興路二段29號|No. 29, Sec. 2, Dongxing Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan
醫院官網Website: www.hellopeter.com.tw
#陳重威獸醫師 #動物牙科推薦 #寵物牙科推薦