預約專線 04-2472-8828
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  • 牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)治療貓狗口炎個案
以MGRS治癒、沒有拔牙的6歲口炎虎斑母貓 A 6-year-old tabby female cat with stomatitis cured by Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) without tooth extraction

A 6-year-old tabby female cat with stomatitis cured by Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS) without tooth extraction.

小肥是一隻6歲齡的口炎虎斑母貓個案。她因口炎而導致食慾下降、口腔疼痛紅腫、精神委靡,吃東西時會不斷慘叫抓嘴巴,給予類固醇及止痛藥症狀均無改善,遂至本院評估後,進行陳重威獸醫師專為動物獨創的「牙齦黏膜置換手術」(Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, 簡稱MGRS)療程,並且參加陳重威獸醫師和高雄醫學大學的《維生素D經增強自噬作用抑制口腔黏膜炎機制之研究》計畫。

沒有拔除任何牙齒,完成治療後,小肥不需要再依靠藥物控制病情,正常飲食、恢復良好生活品質,體重由4.15kg(9 lbs)上升至4.9kg(10.8 lbs)。本院將會持續追蹤每個個案的口腔狀況。


Successfully cured feline stomatitis and without tooth extraction in a tabby female cat - a case report

Xiao-Fei (the name means “little chubby”) is a 6-year-old tabby female cat with stomatitis. Stomatitis caused her loss of appetite, oral pain, swelling, depression, screamed and scratched her mouth constantly while eating, and the symptoms did not improve after given steroids and analgesic drugs, so the owner took her to my hospital for evaluation and was conducted the Dr. Chung-Wei Chen’s original "Mucogingival Replacement Surgery" (MGRS) treatment course for animals, and participated in the research program " Effects of Vitamin D on Autophagy Responses in Mucositis" by Dr. Chung-Wei Chen and Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU).
After 9 months and 9 days of MGRS treatment, Xiao-Fei’s stomatitis has been completely cured, did not do any tooth extraction during the treatment, and no longer need to use medicines to control the condition; now she eat a normal diet, restore good quality of life, and weight increased from 4.15kg (9 lbs) to 4.9kg (10.8 lbs). My hospital will continue to follow up the oral condition of each patient.

Characteristics of Mucogingival Replacement Surgery (MGRS):
*This treatment can completely cure feline stomatitis, without recurrence.
*Stomatitis can be treated without tooth extraction.
*Cats who have completed this treatment do not need long-term medication to control the symptoms of stomatitis, and can maintain a normal life and diet.

哈囉彼得動物醫院 HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital(04)2472-8828
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