預約專線 04-2472-8828
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  • 阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒
阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒:文獻小知識 Knowledge about reference(literature)

【阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒:文獻小知識Knowledge about reference(literature)】


1. 文獻的參考價值是有分等級的,通常會根據刊登此篇文獻的期刊,在該專業領域的評分排名為準,稱為「Impact Factor」;Impact Factor名次由前到後分成Q1~Q4四個等級,其中排名在Q1、Q2的期刊,對於投稿文章的研究設計完整性、先前的文獻參考、對結果敘述的精確性等各方面審閱都會比較嚴謹,在該領域的影響力也較高。獲得這上述期刊刊登的文獻,參考價值普遍會較Q3、Q4的期刊登出的文獻更高。

2. 大部份的文獻免費提供的內容,僅限於「摘要」(Abstract),無法完整呈現作者在本研究中的完整內容,很多研究中的操作細節和發現的資訊,通常不會在摘要中透露,所以閱讀文獻絕對不可以只看摘要而不看全文,否則很容易遺漏或誤解作者所要表達的意思及訊息。


以我的醫院官方網站於2021/09/23發布的衛教文「扁臉短吻貓的咬合創傷」一文為例,本文參考的兩篇文獻的期刊在Impact Factor之評分,第一篇在獸醫科學領域排名為Q2,第二篇在牙科及口腔外科領域更高達Q1,皆具有足夠的參考價值,所以我在閱讀全文後,才摘錄其中重點做為我的衛教文章「扁臉短吻貓的咬合創傷」的參考資料。「扁臉短吻貓的咬合創傷」全文:https://www.hellopeter.com.tw/content-110.html

   When you find the reference, it seems to be the subject you want, don’t rush to quote its content! Here are some key points for finding reference:
1. According to the journal in which this article is published, there will be a score called "Impact Factor" in the ranking of the professional field, which is divided into four levels, Q1~Q4, from high to low, this is the classification of the value of the references; the journals ranked in Q1 and Q2 will be more rigorous in reviewing the completed research design of the submitted articles, previous literature references, and the accuracy of the results narration, these journals have high influence in this field. From the references published in these journals, the value will be higher than the references published in Q3 and Q4 journals.
2. Most of the freely provided content of the reference is limited to the "Abstract", which cannot present the author's complete content in this research. Many operation details and information found in the researches are usually not included in the abstract, so you must read the full text, not just the abstract. If you only read the abstract, it is easy to omit or misunderstand the meaning and information the author wants to express.
   There are a lot of articles on the Internet now and searching for them is very easy, this knowledge can help you accurately distinguish the value of literature and select reliable information.
   For example, my hospital’s website health education article "The occlusal trauma of a brachycephalic (flat-faced) cat.” published on 2021/09/23, citing two references; about the Impact Factor of the journals where the references are published, the first one ranked Q2 in the field of “veterinary sciences”, and the second one ranked Q1 in the field of “dentistry, oral surgery & medicine”. The Impact Factor of both references are sufficient and have citation value. Therefore, after reading the full texts of the two references, I decided to extract the key point in my my health education article "The occlusal trauma of a brachycephalic (flat-faced) cat". Full text of health education article:

哈囉彼得動物醫院 HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital
FB粉絲專頁 www.facebook.com/vet.dentistry.oral.medicine

▲根管治療 ▲3D列印動物牙冠和牙橋 ▲GTR牙周再生重建 ▲GBR引導骨再生術
▲動物植牙 ▲牙體復形(補牙)
▲動物齒列矯正 ▲兔子牙科(磨牙、齒列矯正)
★本院獨創的牙齦黏膜置換手術(Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, 簡稱MGRS)
▲貓口炎治療 ▲動物牙周病治療
▲齒槽(口鼻)廔管修復 ▲齒槽膿瘍治療

#陳重威獸醫師 #哈囉彼得動物醫院 #HellPeterVeterinaryHospital #動物牙科推薦 #寵物牙科推薦 #牙齦黏膜置換手術 #mucogingivalreplacementsurgery #mgrs #貓 #貓口炎 #口炎貓 #口炎貓口腔治療研究計畫 #cat #dog
#動物口腔外科 #獸醫牙科 #pet
#ImpactFactor #Abstract #reference #literature