預約專線 04-2472-8828
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  • 阿威獸醫師的開口啟齒


這篇牙周病學的研究是1963-1965年牙周病學的挪威裔教授兼牙醫師Harald Löe進行的一個實驗,他要求牙醫系的學生們禁止刷牙兩週,之後再恢復每天刷牙兩週,觀察實驗期間學生們口腔的牙菌斑指數(plaque index, PI)以及牙齦指數(gingival index, GI)。(請見備註)


※備註:牙菌斑指數(plaque index, PI):所有牙齒的每一個面(近心、遠心、頰側與舌側),有無牙菌斑或牙齦流血的現象(0分-無;1分-輕微;2分-中等;3分-嚴重),數字越大表示牙菌斑附著或牙齦流血狀況越嚴重。
牙齦指數(gingival index, GI):所有牙齒的內外側(即唇側與舌側面),是否有牙齦發炎之狀況(0分-無發炎;1分-輕微發炎紅腫;2分-中度發炎紅腫,可能會流血;3分-嚴重發炎紅腫,可能有潰瘍及流血),數字越大表示牙齦發炎狀況越嚴重。

  This research of periodontology was an experiment conducted by Harald Löe, a Norwegian professor and dentist in periodontology from 1963 to 1965. He asked students of the department of dentistry to stop brushing their teeth for two weeks, and then resume brushing every day for two weeks. During the experiment, the students’ oral plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI) were observed.
  The results showed that in the first two weeks without brushing teeth, the students’ PI and GI scores increased significantly (that means the oral hygiene deteriorated rapidly), and in the next two weeks after they resumed brushing their teeth every day, the students’ PI and GI scores dropped rapidly again (the oral hygiene was significantly improved). From the results, it can be seen that brushing teeth every day is very important and irreplaceable for the maintenance of oral hygiene.
  Incidentally, the theory of this reference has not been overturned so far, and it is one of the bibles of periodontology. Until now, all research and clinical treatment about periodontology are based on this.
  I have always advocated that owners must brush their dogs and cats’ teeth. This reference is also the basis. Dogs and cats have a much lower chance of dental caries because of the difference in oral pH and bacterial flora from humans. However, in general clinically, the incidence of periodontal disease is very high, so I still hope that the owner can help dogs and cats to brush their teeth every day, maintain good oral hygiene and health.

Loe, H., Theilade, E., & Jensen, S. B. (1965). Experimental Gingivitis in Man. J Periodontol, 36, 177-187. doi:10.1902/jop.1965.36.3.177

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▲根管治療 ▲3D列印動物牙冠和牙橋 ▲GTR牙周再生重建 ▲GBR引導骨再生術
▲動物植牙 ▲牙體復形(補牙)
▲動物齒列矯正 ▲兔子牙科(磨牙、齒列矯正)
★本院獨創的牙齦黏膜置換手術(Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, 簡稱MGRS)
▲貓口炎治療 ▲動物牙周病治療
▲齒槽廔管治療 ▲口鼻廔管治療
▲口腔腫瘤切除 ▲齒槽膿瘍治療

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