預約專線 04-2472-8828
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  • 牙齦黏膜置換手術(MGRS)治療貓狗口炎個案



2021.07.19 MGRS療程持續五個月後結束,一共進行了六次治療。
原本紅腫潰瘍部位的牙齦及口腔黏膜皆已癒合、紅腫消退、口臭消失,不需要再使用藥物控制症狀。整個MGRS 療程中,陳重威獸醫師沒有拔除該個案的任何一顆牙齒,口炎已痊癒,該貓咪的體重也從6.7kg一路回升至7.9kg。根據飼主的回報,現在旦旦不但精神活力變得很好,會欺負家中其他貓咪。本院將持續為追蹤預後後續。

This patient is a 7-year-old black male mixed cat named Dan-Dan. Stomatitis caused his poor appetite and spirit, severe bad breath, and the body weight has reduced from 8kg to 6.7kg. He has been treated in other hospitals before coming to our hospital, long-term use of a variety of medicines for control, but the effect is not good, the patient still has poor appetite due to pain.

2021.02.27 The patient's first mucogingival replacement surgery (MGRS) treatment.
Before the first MGRS treatment, severe swelling and ulcers in the gingiva and oral mucosa can be seen in maxillary and mandibular buccal, sublingual, and oropharyngeal side in the patient’s oral cavity. Among them, the two premolars (307, 407) on both sides of the mandibular had severe tooth absorption, the remaining teeth have fallen out on their own during the treatment.

2021.07.19 The MGRS course lasted for five months and then ended, a total of six treatments were performed. The gingiva and oral mucosa of the oral cavity have completely healed, no more redness or swelling, and the bad breath disappeared. The patient’s stomatitis has healed, he does not need to use any medicines to control stomatitis, and Dr. Chung-Wei Chen did not perform any tooth extraction during the MGRS treatment. The patient's body weight increased from 6.7kg to 7.9kg. According to the owner's reply, now Dan-Dan not only has good spirit and mobility, but also bullies other cats in the house. We will continue to follow up the patient.



【醫療項目】(全預約制 04-24728828):動物牙科|動物口腔外科

★根管治療 ★3D列印動物牙冠和牙橋
★GTR牙周再生重建 ★GBR引導骨再生術
★動物植牙 ★牙體復形(補牙)
★動物齒列矯正 ★兔子牙科(磨牙、齒列矯正)

★本院獨創的牙齦黏膜置換手術(Mucogingival Replacement Surgery, 簡稱MGRS)
★貓口炎治療 ★動物牙周病治療
★齒槽廔管治療 ★口鼻廔管治療
★口腔腫瘤切除 ★齒槽膿瘍治療

哈囉彼得動物醫院 HelloPeter Veterinary Hospital(04)2472-8828

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